Source code for transformer.transform

:mod:transformer.transform -- Entrypoint functions

Defines user-facing functions performing all or most of the HAR-to-locustfile
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Sequence, Union, Iterable, TextIO, Iterator, TypeVar

import transformer.plugins as plug
from transformer.locust import locustfile, locustfile_lines
from transformer.plugins import sanitize_headers, Contract
from transformer.plugins.contracts import Plugin
from transformer.scenario import Scenario
from transformer import blacklist

DEFAULT_PLUGINS = (sanitize_headers.plugin,)

def transform(
    scenarios_path: Union[str, Path],
    plugins: Sequence[Plugin] = (),
    with_default_plugins: bool = True,
) -> str:
    This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
    Do not rely on it.
    Reason: It only accepts one scenario path at a time, and requires plugins
    to be already resolved (and therefore that users use
    transformer.plugins.resolve, which is kind of low-level). Both dumps & dump
    lift these constraints and have a more familiar naming
    (see json.dump/s, etc.).
    Deprecated since: v1.0.2.
    warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning("transform: use dump or dumps instead"))
    if with_default_plugins:
        plugins = (*DEFAULT_PLUGINS, *plugins)
    return locustfile(
                Path(scenarios_path), plugins, blacklist=blacklist.from_file()

LaxPath = Union[str, Path]
PluginName = str

[docs]def dumps( scenario_paths: Iterable[LaxPath], plugins: Sequence[PluginName] = (), with_default_plugins: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Transforms the provided *scenario_paths* using the provided *plugins*, and returns the resulting locustfile code as a string. See also: :func:`dump` :param scenario_paths: paths to scenario files (HAR) or directories :param plugins: names of plugins to use :param with_default_plugins: whether the default plugins should be used in addition to those provided (recommended: True) """ return "\n".join(_dump_as_lines(scenario_paths, plugins, with_default_plugins))
[docs]def dump( file: TextIO, scenario_paths: Iterable[LaxPath], plugins: Sequence[PluginName] = (), with_default_plugins: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Transforms the provided *scenario_paths* using the provided *plugins*, and writes the resulting locustfile code in the provided *file*. See also: :func:`dumps` :param file: an object with a `writelines` method (as specified by io.TextIOBase), e.g. `sys.stdout` or the result of `open`. :param scenario_paths: paths to scenario files (HAR) or directories. :param plugins: names of plugins to use. :param with_default_plugins: whether the default plugins should be used in addition to those provided (recommended: True). """ file.writelines( intersperse("\n", _dump_as_lines(scenario_paths, plugins, with_default_plugins)) )
def _dump_as_lines( scenario_paths: Iterable[LaxPath], plugins: Sequence[PluginName], with_default_plugins: bool, ) -> Iterator[str]: plugins = [p for name in plugins for p in plug.resolve(name)] if with_default_plugins: plugins = (*DEFAULT_PLUGINS, *plugins) plugins_for = plug.group_by_contract(plugins) scenarios = [ Scenario.from_path( path, plugins_for[Contract.OnTask], plugins_for[Contract.OnTaskSequence], blacklist=blacklist.from_file(), ).apply_plugins(plugins_for[Contract.OnScenario]) for path in scenario_paths ] yield from locustfile_lines(scenarios, plugins_for[Contract.OnPythonProgram]) T = TypeVar("T") def intersperse(delim: T, iterable: Iterable[T]) -> Iterator[T]: """ >>> list(intersperse(",", "a")) ['a'] >>> list(intersperse(",", "")) [] >>> list(intersperse(",", "abc")) ['a', ',', 'b', ',', 'c'] >>> list(intersperse(",", ["a", "b", "c"])) ['a', ',', 'b', ',', 'c'] """ it = iter(iterable) try: yield next(it) except StopIteration: return for x in it: yield delim yield x