βš– Specifying WeightsΒΆ

By default, Transformer considers that all scenarios have the same weight 1, which means they should all be executed as often as the others.

You can specify a different weight for each HAR file by creating an associated weight file. For example, to give a weight to the abc.har scenario, create a abc.weight file in the same directory. abc.weight should contain the weight you want to associate to abc.har, like 2 or 76.


Weights must be positive, non-null integers due to how Locust works.

Consider the following group of scenario files displayed in a shell:

$ ls

$ cat scenario2.weight

Here are the weights Transformer will specify in the corresponding locustfile:

Scenario Weight
scenario1.har 1
scenario2.har 3

This means that Locust will run scenario2.har three times as much as scenario1.har.

See also

πŸ‘‘ Hierarchical Scenarios
If you have groups of scenarios that taken together should have a weight compared to other groups (instead of per-scenario weights).