Source code for transformer.task

:mod:`transformer.task` -- HTTP requests and related processing

Each HTTP request from a HAR file is seen by Transformer as a separate
:term:`task` to be eventually converted into a :any:`locust.core.task` function:

.. figure:: _static/basic-conversion.*
   :align: center

   *Transformer converts HAR requests into Locust tasks.*

:class:`~transformer.request.Request` only represents an HTTP request, not the
potential pre- and post-processing that could be desired in the same Locust task
(e.g. before or after the ``requests.get`` call).
Transformer's :term:`task` is an object encapsulating a
:class:`~transformer.request.Request` *and* that additional processing code,
in a one-to-one relationship with :any:`locust.core.task`-decorated functions.

However, Transformer's tasks have no notion of :ref:`weight <specifying-weights>`
or :ref:`grouping <hierarchical-scenarios>`: these come with
:term:`scenarios <scenario>`.
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from json import JSONDecodeError
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import (

import dataclasses
from dataclasses import dataclass
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict

import transformer.python as py
from transformer.blacklist import on_blacklist, Blacklist, get_empty
from transformer.request import HttpMethod, Request, QueryPair

IMMUTABLE_EMPTY_DICT = MappingProxyType({})
JSON_MIME_TYPE = "application/json"

class LocustRequest(NamedTuple):
    All parameters for the request performed by the Locust client object.

    .. deprecated:: 1.0.2
        Only used by :class:`Task`, which is itself deprecated.
        Use :class:`Task2` instead of :class:`Task`.

    method: HttpMethod
    url: str
    headers: CaseInsensitiveDict = MappingProxyType({})
    post_data: dict = MappingProxyType({})
    query: Sequence[QueryPair] = ()
    name: Optional[str] = None

    def from_request(cls, r: Request) -> "LocustRequest":
        return LocustRequest(
            name=repr( or r.url.geturl()),

[docs]@dataclass class Task2: """ Represents a :term:`task`, i.e. an HTTP request along with some optional pre- and post-processing code. .. attribute:: name :any:`str` -- Name of the corresponding :any:`locust.core.task` function in the locustfile. .. attribute:: request :any:`transformer.request.Request` -- HTTP request executed by this task. .. attribute:: statements :any:`Sequence <typing.Sequence>` of |Statement| -- Body of the corresponding :any:`locust.core.task` function in the locustfile. One of these statements contains an |ExpressionView| pointing to :attr:`request`. The other statements (if any) represent pre- or post-processing code for that request, depending on whether they appear before or after the statement containing the |ExpressionView|. .. warning:: Plugins should be careful if they replace the |ExpressionView| object found in :attr:`statements`. Other plugins should still be able to change :attr:`request` and expect to see these changes reflected in :attr:`statements` via |ExpressionView|. .. attribute:: global_code_blocks :any:`Mapping <typing.Mapping>` of :any:`str` to |Statement| .. deprecated:: 1.0.2 This attribute is only kept for backward compatibility purposes. It exists because Transformer's first plugin system didn't have :term:`OnPythonProgram`, so plugins had to specify the top-level locustfile code blocks they needed (e.g. imports, global variables) at the :class:`Task` level and let the plugin system percolate these code blocks through the scenario tree. This explains why scenarios have the similar :any:`transformer.scenario.Scenario.global_code_blocks` field. """ name: str request: Request statements: Sequence[py.Statement] = () # TODO: Replace me with a plugin framework that accesses the full tree. # See global_code_blocks: Mapping[str, Sequence[str]] = IMMUTABLE_EMPTY_DICT def __post_init__(self,) -> None: self.statements = list(self.statements) self.global_code_blocks = { k: list(v) for k, v in self.global_code_blocks.items() }
[docs] @classmethod def from_requests(cls, requests: Iterable[Request]) -> Iterator["Task2"]: """ Generates a set of tasks from a given set of HTTP requests. Each request will be turned into an unevaluated function call (:class:`transformer.python.FunctionCall`) making the actual request. The returned tasks are ordered by increasing :any:`timestamp <transformer.request.Request.timestamp>` of the corresponding request. """ # TODO: Update me when merging Task with Task2: "statements" needs to # contain a ExpressionView to Task2.request. # See what is done in from_task (but without the LocustRequest part). # See for req in sorted(requests, key=lambda r: r.timestamp): if not on_blacklist(req.url.netloc): yield cls(name=req.task_name(), request=req, statements=...)
@classmethod def from_task(cls, task: "Task") -> "Task2": # TODO: Remove me as soon as the old Task is no longer used and Task2 is # renamed to Task. # See t = cls(, request=task.request) if task.locust_request: expr_view = py.ExpressionView( name="this task's request field", target=lambda: task.locust_request, converter=lreq_to_expr, ) else: expr_view = py.ExpressionView( name="this task's request field", target=lambda: t.request, converter=req_to_expr, ) t.statements = [ *[py.OpaqueBlock(x) for x in task.locust_preprocessing], py.Assignment("response", expr_view), *[py.OpaqueBlock(x) for x in task.locust_postprocessing], ] return t
NOOP_HTTP_METHODS = {HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.OPTIONS, HttpMethod.DELETE} def req_to_expr(r: Request) -> py.FunctionCall: url = py.Literal(str(r.url.geturl())) args: Dict[str, py.Expression] = OrderedDict( url=url, name=py.Literal( if else url, timeout=py.Literal(TIMEOUT), allow_redirects=py.Literal(False), ) if r.headers: args["headers"] = py.Literal(r.headers) if r.method is HttpMethod.POST: if r.post_data: rpd = RequestsPostData.from_har_post_data(r.post_data) args.update(rpd.as_kwargs()) elif r.method in (HttpMethod.PUT, HttpMethod.PATCH): if r.post_data: rpd = RequestsPostData.from_har_post_data(r.post_data) args.update(rpd.as_kwargs()) args.setdefault("params", py.Literal([])) cast(py.Literal, args["params"]).value.extend( _params_from_name_value_dicts([dataclasses.asdict(q) for q in r.query]) ) elif r.method not in NOOP_HTTP_METHODS: raise ValueError(f"unsupported HTTP method: {r.method!r}") method = return py.FunctionCall(name=f"self.client.{method}", named_args=args) def lreq_to_expr(lr: LocustRequest) -> py.FunctionCall: # TODO: Remove me once LocustRequest no longer exists. # See url = _peel_off_repr(lr.url) name = _peel_off_repr( if else url args: Dict[str, py.Expression] = OrderedDict( url=url, name=name, timeout=py.Literal(TIMEOUT), allow_redirects=py.Literal(False), ) if lr.headers: args["headers"] = py.Literal(lr.headers) if lr.method is HttpMethod.POST: if lr.post_data: rpd = RequestsPostData.from_har_post_data(lr.post_data) args.update(rpd.as_kwargs()) elif lr.method in (HttpMethod.PUT, HttpMethod.PATCH): if lr.post_data: rpd = RequestsPostData.from_har_post_data(lr.post_data) args.update(rpd.as_kwargs()) args.setdefault("params", py.Literal([])) cast(py.Literal, args["params"]).value.extend( _params_from_name_value_dicts([dataclasses.asdict(q) for q in lr.query]) ) elif lr.method not in NOOP_HTTP_METHODS: raise ValueError(f"unsupported HTTP method: {lr.method!r}") method = return py.FunctionCall(name=f"self.client.{method}", named_args=args) def _peel_off_repr(s: str) -> py.Literal: """ Reverse the effect of LocustRequest's repr() calls on url and name. """ if s.startswith("f"): return py.FString(eval(s[1:], {}, {})) return py.Literal(eval(s, {}, {})) class Task(NamedTuple): """ One step of "doing something" on a website. This basically represents a @task in Locust-speak. .. deprecated:: 1.0.2 Use :class:`Task2` instead. :class:`Task` is kept for backward compatibility with existing plugins that have not yet migrated to :class:`Task2`. Transformer will automatically convert :class:`Task` objects into :class:`Task2` objects using :meth:`Task2.from_task`. """ name: str request: Request locust_request: Optional[LocustRequest] = None locust_preprocessing: Sequence[str] = () locust_postprocessing: Sequence[str] = () global_code_blocks: Mapping[str, Sequence[str]] = MappingProxyType({}) @classmethod def from_requests( cls, requests: Iterable[Request], blacklist: Optional[Blacklist] = None ) -> Iterator["Task"]: """ Generates a set of Tasks from a given set of Requests. """ if blacklist is None: blacklist = get_empty() for req in sorted(requests, key=lambda r: r.timestamp): if on_blacklist(blacklist, req.url.netloc): continue else: yield cls(name=req.task_name(), request=req) def inject_headers(self, headers: dict): if self.locust_request is None: original_locust_request = LocustRequest.from_request(self.request) else: original_locust_request = self.locust_request new_locust_request = original_locust_request._replace( headers=CaseInsensitiveDict({**original_locust_request.headers, **headers}) ) task = self._replace(locust_request=new_locust_request) return task def replace_url(self, url: str): if self.locust_request is None: original_locust_request = LocustRequest.from_request(self.request) else: original_locust_request = self.locust_request new_locust_request = original_locust_request._replace(url=url) return self._replace(locust_request=new_locust_request) @dataclass class RequestsPostData: """ Data to be sent via HTTP POST, along with which API of the requests library to use. """ data: Optional[py.Literal] = None params: Optional[py.Literal] = None json: Optional[py.Literal] = None def as_kwargs(self) -> Dict[str, py.Expression]: return {k: v for k, v in dataclasses.asdict(self).items() if v is not None} @classmethod def from_har_post_data(cls, post_data: dict) -> "RequestsPostData": """ Converts a HAR postData object into a RequestsPostData instance. :param post_data: a HAR "postData" object, see :raise ValueError: if *post_data* is invalid. """ try: return _from_har_post_data(post_data) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError(f"invalid HAR postData object: {post_data!r}") from err def _from_har_post_data(post_data: dict) -> RequestsPostData: mime_k = "mimeType" try: mime: str = post_data[mime_k] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"missing {mime_k!r} field") from None rpd = RequestsPostData() # The "text" and "params" fields are supposed to be mutually # exclusive (according to the HAR spec) but nobody respects that. # Often, both text and params are provided for x-www-form-urlencoded. text_k, params_k = "text", "params" if text_k not in post_data and params_k not in post_data: raise ValueError(f"should contain {text_k!r} or {params_k!r}") _extract_text(mime, post_data, text_k, rpd) try: params = _params_from_post_data(params_k, post_data) if params is not None: rpd.params = py.Literal(params) except (KeyError, UnicodeEncodeError, TypeError) as err: raise ValueError("unreadable params field") from err return rpd def _extract_text( mime: str, post_data: dict, text_k: str, rpd: RequestsPostData ) -> None: text = post_data.get(text_k) if mime == JSON_MIME_TYPE: if text is None: raise ValueError(f"missing {text_k!r} field for {JSON_MIME_TYPE} content") try: rpd.json = py.Literal(json.loads(text)) except JSONDecodeError as err: raise ValueError(f"unreadable JSON from field {text_k!r}") from err elif text is not None: # Probably application/x-www-form-urlencoded. try: = py.Literal(text.encode()) except UnicodeEncodeError as err: raise ValueError(f"cannot encode the {text_k!r} field in UTF-8") from err def _params_from_post_data( key: str, post_data: dict ) -> Optional[List[Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]: """ Extracts the *key* list from *post_data* and calls _params_from_name_value_dicts with that list. :raise TypeError: if the object at *key* is built using unexpected data types. """ params = post_data.get(key) if params is None: return None if not isinstance(params, list): raise TypeError(f"the {key!r} field should be a list") return _params_from_name_value_dicts(params) def _params_from_name_value_dicts( dicts: Iterable[Mapping[str, str]] ) -> List[Tuple[bytes, bytes]]: """ Converts a HAR "params" element [0] into a list of tuples that can be used as value for requests' "params" keyword-argument. [0]: [1]: #more-complicated-post-requests :raise KeyError: if one of the elements doesn't contain a "name" or "value" field. :raise UnicodeEncodeError: if an element's "name" or "value" string cannot be encoded in UTF-8. """ return [(d["name"].encode(), d["value"].encode()) for d in dicts]