Source code for transformer.request

:mod:`transformer.request` -- HTTP requests read from HAR

Representation of HAR Request objects.

import enum
from datetime import datetime
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import Iterator, List, Optional
from urllib.parse import urlparse, SplitResult
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict

import pendulum
from dataclasses import dataclass

from transformer.naming import to_identifier

[docs]class HttpMethod(enum.Enum): """ Enumeration of supported HTTP method types. """ GET = #: GET POST = #: POST PUT = #: PUT OPTIONS = #: OPTIONS DELETE = #: DELETE PATCH = #: PATCH
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class QueryPair: """ A pair of query parameters, as recorded in a HAR file (queryString__). __ """ name: str value: str
[docs]@dataclass class Request: """ An HTTP request, as recorded in a HAR file (request__). __ Note that *post_data*, if present, will be a dict of the same format as recorded in the HAR file (postData__ -- although it is not consistently followed by HAR generators). __ .. attribute:: timestamp :class:`~datetime.datetime` -- Time at which the request was recorded. .. attribute:: method :class:`HttpMethod` -- HTTP method of the request. .. attribute:: url :class:`urllib.parse.SplitResult` -- URL targeted by the request. .. attribute:: har_entry :any:`dict` -- A single record from entries `as recorded in a HAR file`__ corresponding to the request, provided for read-only access. __ .. attribute:: headers :any:`requests.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict` (reference__) -- HTTP headers sent with the request. __\ /7e297ed95bdbd1018657f5d6000379ecdfa54423/requests/ .. attribute:: post_data :annotation: = None :data:`~typing.Optional` :any:`dict` -- If :attr:`method` is ``POST``, the corresponding data payload. .. attribute:: query :annotation: = [] :class:`~typing.List` of :class:`QueryPair` -- Key-value arguments sent as part of the :attr:`url`'s `query string`__. __ .. attribute:: name :annotation: = None :data:`~typing.Optional` :any:`str` -- Value provided for :class:`locust.clients.HttpSession`'s "dynamic" ``name`` parameter. See `Grouping requests to URLs with dynamic parameters`__ for details. __\ requests-to-urls-with-dynamic-parameters """ timestamp: datetime method: HttpMethod url: SplitResult har_entry: dict headers: CaseInsensitiveDict = MappingProxyType({}) post_data: Optional[dict] = None query: List[QueryPair] = () name: Optional[str] = None def __post_init__(self): self.query = list(self.query)
[docs] @classmethod def from_har_entry(cls, entry: dict) -> "Request": """ Creates a request from a HAR entry__. __ :raise KeyError: if *entry* is not a valid HAR "entry" object. :raise ValueError: if the ``request.startedDateTime`` value cannot be interpreted as a timestamp. """ request = entry["request"] return Request( timestamp=pendulum.parse(entry["startedDateTime"]), method=HttpMethod[request["method"]], url=urlparse(request["url"]), har_entry=entry, name=None, headers=CaseInsensitiveDict( {d["name"]: d["value"] for d in request.get("headers", [])} ), post_data=request.get("postData"), query=[ QueryPair(name=d["name"], value=d["value"]) for d in request.get("queryString", []) ], )
[docs] @classmethod def all_from_har(cls, har: dict) -> Iterator["Request"]: """ Generates requests for all entries__ in a given HAR top-level object. __ """ for entry in har["log"]["entries"]: yield cls.from_har_entry(entry)
[docs] def task_name(self) -> str: """ Generates a simple name to be used as :attr:`` by the :term:`task` of this request. """ return "_".join( (, self.url.scheme, to_identifier(self.url.hostname), to_identifier(self.url.path), str(abs(hash(self))), ) )
def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash( ( self.timestamp, self.method, self.url, tuple(self.headers), repr(self.post_data) if self.post_data else None, tuple(self.query), ) )